martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Blue Valentine

Cindy: What did it feel like when you fell in love?

Gramma: Oh... oh dear, I don't think I found it

Cindy: Even with grandpa?

Gramma: Maybe a little, in the beginning. He didn't really have any regard for me as a person. You gotta be careful with that. You gotta be careful with the person you fall in love is worth it... to you.

Cindy: I never want to be like my parents. I know they must've loved each other at one time right? To just get it all out of the way before they had me. How do you trust your feelings when they can just disappear like that?

Gramma: I think the only way you can find out is to have the feeling. You're a good person. You have the right to say I do trust. I do trust myself.


Nunca había visto Blue Valentine, y no me destrozo el corazón, solo me mostró una realidad que ya conocía, y puso el palabras muchas cosas que ya pensaba. Es realidad pura. 
No importa cuan real se sienta cuando se siente, y cuan seguro uno esté de que es para siempre, nunca hay certeza.
Y muchas veces (la mayoría) el sentimiento se va y ni siquiera estas seguro del por qué. Pero eso no quiere decir que no haya sido real y eterno mientras duró.

"To shoot all the beautiful stuff firstthe falling in love, was like a dream. We built this castle, and we had to tear it down. But while we were tearing it down, we knew what we were losing, because we'd built it."
- Ryan Gosling on Blue Valentine

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